DTC Adult Mixer
Date to be announced
Prepayment required to secure spot for evening.
Mixer Format
Pyramid Round Robin Format
First team to 21 points (sudden death point at 20-20)
Spin Racquet @ beginning to determine who gets the feed first.
Teams change ends of court after 15 points have been played. (ex, switch sides at 9-6 and 17-13)
Pros will feed balls to each team (alternating between baseline players)
Rotate as a team with every point your team loses.
6:00pm - Meet Your Team
6:10pm - 1st Round
6:25pm - 2nd Round
6:40pm - 3rd Round
7:00pm - 7:20pm Intermission
7:20pm - 4th Round
7:35pm - 5th Round
7:50pm - 6th Round
8:05pm - 7th Round